Source code for

"""Object Detection task"""
import copy
import pickle
import logging
import warnings
import os

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from autogluon.core.utils import verbosity2loglevel, get_gpu_count
from autogluon.core.utils import set_logger_verbosity
from import ObjectDetection as _ObjectDetection
from ..configs.presets_configs import unpack, _check_gpu_memory_presets
from ..utils import MXNetErrorCatcher

__all__ = ['ObjectDetector']

logger = logging.getLogger()  # return root logger

[docs]class ObjectDetector(object): """AutoGluon Predictor for detecting objects in images Parameters ---------- path : str, default = None The directory for saving logs or intermediate data. If unspecified, will create a sub-directory under current working directory. verbosity : int, default = 2 Verbosity levels range from 0 to 4 and control how much information is printed. Higher levels correspond to more detailed print statements (you can set verbosity = 0 to suppress warnings). If using logging, you can alternatively control amount of information printed via logger.setLevel(L), where L ranges from 0 to 50 (Note: higher values of L correspond to fewer print statements, opposite of verbosity levels) """ # Dataset is a subclass of `pd.DataFrame`, with `image` and `bbox` columns. Dataset = _ObjectDetection.Dataset def __init__(self, path=None, verbosity=2): if path is None: path = os.getcwd() self._log_dir = path self._verbosity = verbosity self._detector = None self._fit_summary = {} os.makedirs(self._log_dir, exist_ok=True) @property def path(self): return self._log_dir
[docs] @unpack('object_detector') def fit(self, train_data, tuning_data=None, time_limit='auto', presets=None, hyperparameters=None, **kwargs): """Automatic fit process for object detection. Tip: if you observe very slow training speed only happening at the first epoch and your overall time budget is not large, you may disable `CUDNN_AUTOTUNE` by setting the environment variable `export MXNET_CUDNN_AUTOTUNE_DEFAULT=0` before running your python script or insert `import os; os.environ['MXNET_CUDNN_AUTOTUNE_DEFAULT'] = '0'` before any code block. The tuning is beneficial in terms of training speed in the long run, but may cost your noticeble overhead at the begining of each trial. Parameters ---------- train_data : pd.DataFrame or str Training data, can be a dataframe like image dataset. For more details of how to construct a object detection dataset, please checkout: ``. If a string is provided, will search for d8 datasets. tuning_data : pd.DataFrame or str, default = None Holdout tuning data for validation, reserved for model selection and hyperparameter-tuning, can be a dataframe like image dataset. If a string is provided, will search for k8 datasets. If `None`, the validation dataset will be randomly split from `train_data` according to `holdout_frac`. time_limit : int, default = 'auto'(defaults to 2 hours if no presets detected) Time limit in seconds, if `None`, will run until all tuning and training finished. If `time_limit` is hit during `fit`, the HPO process will interrupt and return the current best configuration. presets : list or str or dict, default = ['medium_quality_faster_train'] List of preset configurations for various arguments in `fit()`. Can significantly impact predictive accuracy, memory-footprint, and inference latency of trained models, and various other properties of the returned `predictor`. It is recommended to specify presets and avoid specifying most other `fit()` arguments or model hyperparameters prior to becoming familiar with AutoGluon. As an example, to get the most accurate overall predictor (regardless of its efficiency), set `presets='best_quality'`. To get good quality with faster inference speed, set `presets='good_quality_faster_inference'` Any user-specified arguments in `fit()` will override the values used by presets. If specifying a list of presets, later presets will override earlier presets if they alter the same argument. For precise definitions of the provided presets, see file: `autogluon/vision/configs/`. Users can specify custom presets by passing in a dictionary of argument values as an element to the list. Available Presets: ['best_quality', 'high_quality_fast_inference', 'good_quality_faster_inference', 'medium_quality_faster_train'] It is recommended to only use one `quality` based preset in a given call to `fit()` as they alter many of the same arguments and are not compatible with each-other. Note that depending on your specific hardware limitation(# gpu, size of gpu memory...) your mileage may vary a lot, you may choose lower quality presets if necessary, and try to reduce `batch_size` if OOM("RuntimeError: CUDA error: out of memory") happens frequently during the `fit`. In-depth Preset Info: best_quality={ 'hyperparameters': { 'transfer': Categorical('faster_rcnn_fpn_resnet101_v1d_coco'), 'lr': Real(1e-5, 1e-3, log=True), 'batch_size': Categorical(4, 8), 'epochs': 30, 'early_stop_patience': -1 }, 'hyperparameter_tune_kwargs': { 'num_trials': 128, 'search_strategy': 'bayesopt'}, 'time_limit': 24*3600,} Best predictive accuracy with little consideration to training/inference time or model size. Achieve even better results by specifying a large time_limit value. Recommended for applications that benefit from the best possible model accuracy and be prepared with the extremly long training time. good_quality_fast_inference={ 'hyperparameters': { 'transfer': Categorical('ssd_512_resnet50_v1_coco', 'yolo3_darknet53_coco', 'center_net_resnet50_v1b_coco'), 'lr': Real(1e-4, 1e-2, log=True), 'batch_size': Categorical(8, 16, 32, 64), 'epochs': 50, 'early_stop_patience': 20 }, 'hyperparameter_tune_kwargs': { 'num_trials': 512, 'search_strategy': 'bayesopt'}, 'time_limit': 12*3600,} Good predictive accuracy with fast inference. Recommended for applications that require reasonable inference speed and/or model size. medium_quality_faster_train={ 'hyperparameters': { 'transfer': Categorical('ssd_512_resnet50_v1_coco'), 'lr': 0.01, 'batch_size': Categorical(8, 16), 'epochs': 30, 'early_stop_patience': 5 }, 'hyperparameter_tune_kwargs': { 'num_trials': 16, 'search_strategy': 'random'}, 'time_limit': 2*3600,} Medium predictive accuracy with very fast inference and very fast training time. This is the default preset in AutoGluon, but should generally only be used for quick prototyping. medium_quality_faster_inference={ 'hyperparameters': { 'transfer': Categorical('center_net_resnet18_v1b_coco', 'yolo3_mobilenet1.0_coco'), 'lr': Categorical(0.01, 0.005, 0.001), 'batch_size': Categorical(32, 64, 128), 'epochs': Categorical(30, 50), 'early_stop_patience': 10 }, 'hyperparameter_tune_kwargs': { 'num_trials': 32, 'search_strategy': 'bayesopt'}, 'time_limit': 4*3600,} Medium predictive accuracy with very fast inference. Comparing with `medium_quality_faster_train` it uses faster model but explores more hyperparameters. hyperparameters : dict, default = None Extra hyperparameters for specific models. Accepted args includes(not limited to): epochs : int, default value based on network The `epochs` for model training. batch_size : int Mini batch size lr : float Trainer learning rate for optimization process. early_stop_patience : int, default=10 Number of epochs with no improvement after which train is early stopped. Use `None` to disable. early_stop_min_delta : float, default=1e-4 The small delta value to ignore when evaluating the metric. A large delta helps stablize the early stopping strategy against tiny fluctuation, e.g. 0.5->0.49->0.48->0.499->0.500001 is still considered as a good timing for early stopping. early_stop_baseline : float, default=None The minimum(baseline) value to trigger early stopping. For example, with `early_stop_baseline=0.5`, early stopping won't be triggered if the metric is less than 0.5 even if plateau is detected. Use `None` to disable. early_stop_max_value : float, default=None The max value for metric, early stop training instantly once the max value is achieved. Use `None` to disable. You can get the list of accepted hyperparameters in `config.yaml` saved by this predictor. **kwargs : holdout_frac : float, default = 0.1 The random split ratio for `tuning_data` if `tuning_data==None`. random_state : int, default = None The random_state(seed) for shuffling data, only used if `tuning_data==None`. Note that the `random_state` only affect the splitting process, not model training. If not specified(None), will leave the original random sampling intact. nthreads_per_trial : int, default = (# cpu cores) Number of CPU threads for each trial, if `None`, will detect the # cores on current instance. ngpus_per_trial : int, default = (# gpus) Number of GPUs to use for each trial, if `None`, will detect the # gpus on current instance. hyperparameter_tune_kwargs: dict, default = None num_trials : int, default = 1 The limit of HPO trials that can be performed within `time_limit`. The HPO process will be terminated when `num_trials` trials have finished or wall clock `time_limit` is reached, whichever comes first. search_strategy : str, default = 'random' Searcher strategy for HPO, 'random' by default. Options include: ‘random’ (random search), ‘bayesopt’ (Gaussian process Bayesian optimization), ‘grid’ (grid search). max_reward : float, default = None The reward threashold for stopping criteria. If `max_reward` is reached during HPO, the scheduler will terminate earlier to reduce time cost. scheduler_options : dict, default = None Extra options for HPO scheduler, please refer to :class:`autogluon.core.Searcher` for details. """ # init/validate kwargs kwargs = self._validate_kwargs(kwargs) # unpack num_trials = kwargs['hyperparameter_tune_kwargs']['num_trials'] nthreads_per_trial = kwargs['nthreads_per_trial'] ngpus_per_trial = kwargs['ngpus_per_trial'] holdout_frac = kwargs['holdout_frac'] random_state = kwargs['random_state'] search_strategy = kwargs['hyperparameter_tune_kwargs']['search_strategy'] max_reward = kwargs['hyperparameter_tune_kwargs']['max_reward'] scheduler_options = kwargs['hyperparameter_tune_kwargs']['scheduler_options'] log_level = verbosity2loglevel(self._verbosity) set_logger_verbosity(self._verbosity, logger=logger) if presets: if not isinstance(presets, list): presets = [presets] logger.log(20, f'Presets specified: {presets}') if time_limit == 'auto': # no presets, no user specified time_limit time_limit = 7200 logger.log(20, f'`time_limit=auto` set to `time_limit={time_limit}`.') # data sanity check train_data = self._validate_data(train_data) if tuning_data is not None: tuning_data = self._validate_data(tuning_data) if self._detector is not None: self._detector._logger.setLevel(log_level) self._detector._logger.propagate = True self._fit_summary =, tuning_data, 1 - holdout_frac, random_state, resume=False) if hasattr(self._classifier, 'fit_history'): self._fit_summary['fit_history'] = self._classifier.fit_history() return self # new HPO task if time_limit is not None and num_trials is None: num_trials = 99999 if time_limit is None and num_trials is None: raise ValueError("`time_limit` and kwargs['hyperparameter_tune_kwargs']['num_trials'] can not be `None` at the same time, " "otherwise the training will not be terminated gracefully.") config={'log_dir': self._log_dir, 'num_trials': 99999 if num_trials is None else max(1, num_trials), 'time_limits': 2147483647 if time_limit is None else max(1, time_limit), 'search_strategy': search_strategy, } if max_reward is not None: config['max_reward'] = max_reward if nthreads_per_trial is not None: config['nthreads_per_trial'] = nthreads_per_trial if ngpus_per_trial is not None: config['ngpus_per_trial'] = ngpus_per_trial if isinstance(hyperparameters, dict): if 'batch_size' in hyperparameters: bs = hyperparameters['batch_size'] _check_gpu_memory_presets(bs, ngpus_per_trial, 4, 1280) # 1280MB per sample # check if hyperparameters overwriting existing config for k, v in hyperparameters.items(): if k in config: raise ValueError(f'Overwriting {k} = {config[k]} to {v} by hyperparameters is ambiguous.') config.update(hyperparameters) if scheduler_options is not None: config.update(scheduler_options) if 'early_stop_patience' not in config: config['early_stop_patience'] = 10 if config['early_stop_patience'] == None: config['early_stop_patience'] = -1 # TODO(zhreshold): expose the transform function(or sign function) for converting custom metrics if 'early_stop_baseline' not in config or config['early_stop_baseline'] == None: config['early_stop_baseline'] = -np.Inf if 'early_stop_max_value' not in config or config['early_stop_max_value'] == None: config['early_stop_max_value'] = np.Inf # verbosity if log_level > logging.INFO: logging.getLogger('').propagate = False for logger_name in ('SSDEstimator', 'CenterNetEstimator', 'YOLOv3Estimator', 'FasterRCNNEstimator'): logging.getLogger(logger_name).setLevel(log_level) logging.getLogger(logger_name).propagate = False task = _ObjectDetection(config=config) task._logger.setLevel(log_level) task._logger.propagate = True with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter("always") with MXNetErrorCatcher() as err: self._detector =, tuning_data, 1 - holdout_frac, random_state) if err.exc_value is not None: raise RuntimeError(err.exc_value) self._detector._logger.setLevel(log_level) self._detector._logger.propagate = True self._fit_summary = task.fit_summary() if hasattr(task, 'fit_history'): self._fit_summary['fit_history'] = task.fit_history() return self
def _validate_data(self, data): """Check whether data is valid, try to convert with best effort if not""" if len(data) < 1: raise ValueError('Empty dataset.') if not (hasattr(data, 'classes') and hasattr(data, 'to_mxnet')): if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): # raw dataframe, try to add metadata automatically infer_classes = [] if 'image' in data.columns: # check image relative/abs path is valid sample = data.iloc[0]['image'] if not os.path.isfile(sample): raise OSError(f'Detected invalid image path `{sample}`, please ensure all image paths are absolute or you are using the right working directory.') if 'rois' in data.columns and 'image' in data.columns: sample = data.iloc[0]['rois'] for sample_key in ('class', 'xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax'): assert sample_key in sample, f'key `{sample_key}` required in `rois`' class_column = data.rois.apply(lambda x: x.get('class', 'unknown')) infer_classes = class_column.unique().tolist() data['rois'] = data['rois'].apply(lambda x: x.update({'difficult': x.get('difficult', 0)} or x)) data = _ObjectDetection.Dataset(data.sort_values('image').reset_index(drop=True), classes=infer_classes) elif 'image' in data and 'class' in data and 'xmin' in data and 'ymin' in data and 'xmax' in data and 'ymax' in data: infer_classes = data['class'].unique().tolist() if 'difficult' not in data.columns: data['difficult'] = 0 data = _ObjectDetection.Dataset(data.sort_values('image').reset_index(drop=True), classes=infer_classes) data = data.pack() data.classes = infer_classes else: err_msg = 'Unable to convert raw DataFrame to ObjectDetector Dataset, ' + \ '`image` and `rois` columns are required.' + \ 'You may visit `` ' + \ 'for details.' raise AttributeError(err_msg) logger.log(20, 'Converting raw DataFrame to ObjectDetector.Dataset...') logger.log(20, f'Detected {len(infer_classes)} unique classes: {infer_classes}') instruction = 'train_data = ObjectDetector.Dataset(train_data, classes=["foo", "bar"])' logger.log(20, f'If you feel the `classes` is inaccurate, please construct the dataset explicitly, e.g. {instruction}') return data def _validate_kwargs(self, kwargs): """validate and initialize default kwargs""" kwargs['holdout_frac'] = kwargs.get('holdout_frac', 0.1) if not (0 < kwargs['holdout_frac'] < 1.0): raise ValueError(f'Range error for `holdout_frac`, expected to be within range (0, 1), given {kwargs["holdout_frac"]}') kwargs['random_state'] = kwargs.get('random_state', None) kwargs['nthreads_per_trial'] = kwargs.get('nthreads_per_trial', None) kwargs['ngpus_per_trial'] = kwargs.get('ngpus_per_trial', None) if kwargs['ngpus_per_trial'] is not None and kwargs['ngpus_per_trial'] > 0: detected_gpu = get_gpu_count() if detected_gpu < kwargs['ngpus_per_trial']: raise ValueError(f"Insufficient detected # gpus {detected_gpu} vs requested {kwargs['ngpus_per_trial']}") # tune kwargs hpo_tune_args = kwargs.get('hyperparameter_tune_kwargs', {}) hpo_tune_args['num_trials'] = hpo_tune_args.get('num_trials', 1) hpo_tune_args['search_strategy'] = hpo_tune_args.get('search_strategy', 'random') if not hpo_tune_args['search_strategy'] in ('random', 'bayesopt', 'grid'): raise ValueError(f"Invalid search strategy: {hpo_tune_args['search_strategy']}, supported: ('random', 'bayesopt', 'grid')") hpo_tune_args['max_reward'] = hpo_tune_args.get('max_reward', None) if hpo_tune_args['max_reward'] is not None and hpo_tune_args['max_reward'] < 0: raise ValueError(f"Expected `max_reward` to be a positive float number between 0 and 1.0, given {hpo_tune_args['max_reward']}") hpo_tune_args['scheduler_options'] = hpo_tune_args.get('scheduler_options', None) kwargs['hyperparameter_tune_kwargs'] = hpo_tune_args return kwargs
[docs] def predict(self, data, as_pandas=True): """Predict objects in image, return the confidences, bounding boxes of each predicted object. Parameters ---------- data : str, pd.DataFrame or ndarray The input data, can be str(filepath), pd.DataFrame with 'image' column, or raw ndarray input. as_pandas : bool, default = True Whether to return the output as a pandas object (True) or list of numpy array(s) (False). Pandas object is a DataFrame. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The returned dataframe will contain (`pred_score`, `pred_bbox`, `pred_id`). If more than one image in input, the returned dataframe will contain `images` column, and all results are concatenated. """ if self._detector is None: raise RuntimeError('Detector is not initialized, try `fit` first.') ret = self._detector.predict(data) if as_pandas: return ret else: return ret.to_numpy()
[docs] def evaluate(self, data): """Evaluate model performance on validation data. Parameters ---------- data : pd.DataFrame or iterator The validation data. """ if self._detector is None: raise RuntimeError('Detector not initialized, try `fit` first.') return self._detector.evaluate(data)
[docs] def fit_summary(self): """Return summary of last `fit` process. Returns ------- dict The summary of last `fit` process. Major keys are ('train_map', 'val_map', 'total_time',...) """ return copy.copy(self._fit_summary)
[docs] def save(self, path=None): """Dump predictor to disk. Parameters ---------- path : str The file name of saved copy. If not specified(None), will automatically save to `self.path` directory with filename `` """ if path is None: path = os.path.join(self.path, '') with open(path, 'wb') as fid: pickle.dump(self, fid)
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, path, verbosity=2): """Load previously saved predictor. Parameters ---------- path : str The file name for saved pickle file. If `path` is a directory, will try to load the file `` in this directory. verbosity : int, default = 2 Verbosity levels range from 0 to 4 and control how much information is printed. Higher levels correspond to more detailed print statements (you can set verbosity = 0 to suppress warnings). If using logging, you can alternatively control amount of information printed via logger.setLevel(L), where L ranges from 0 to 50 (Note: higher values of L correspond to fewer print statements, opposite of verbosity levels) """ if os.path.isdir(path): path = os.path.join(path, '') with open(path, 'rb') as fid: obj = pickle.load(fid) obj._verbosity = verbosity return obj