Source code for autogluon.tabular.models.catboost.catboost_model

import logging
import math
import os
import time

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from autogluon.common.features.types import R_BOOL, R_CATEGORY, R_FLOAT, R_INT
from autogluon.common.utils.pandas_utils import get_approximate_df_mem_usage
from autogluon.common.utils.resource_utils import ResourceManager
from autogluon.common.utils.try_import import try_import_catboost
from autogluon.core.models import AbstractModel
from autogluon.core.models._utils import get_early_stopping_rounds
from autogluon.core.utils.exceptions import TimeLimitExceeded

from .callbacks import EarlyStoppingCallback, MemoryCheckCallback, TimeCheckCallback
from .catboost_utils import get_catboost_metric_from_ag_metric
from .hyperparameters.parameters import get_param_baseline
from .hyperparameters.searchspaces import get_default_searchspace

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# TODO: Consider having CatBoost variant that converts all categoricals to numerical as done in RFModel, was showing improved results in some problems.
[docs] class CatBoostModel(AbstractModel): """ CatBoost model: Hyperparameter options: """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._category_features = None def _set_default_params(self): default_params = get_param_baseline(problem_type=self.problem_type) for param, val in default_params.items(): self._set_default_param_value(param, val) self._set_default_param_value("random_seed", 0) # Remove randomness for reproducibility # Set 'allow_writing_files' to True in order to keep log files created by catboost during training (these will be saved in the directory where AutoGluon stores this model) self._set_default_param_value("allow_writing_files", False) # Disables creation of catboost logging files during training by default if self.problem_type != SOFTCLASS: # TODO: remove this after catboost 0.24 default_eval_metric = get_catboost_metric_from_ag_metric(self.stopping_metric, self.problem_type, self.quantile_levels) self._set_default_param_value("eval_metric", default_eval_metric) def _get_default_searchspace(self): return get_default_searchspace(self.problem_type, num_classes=self.num_classes) def _preprocess_nonadaptive(self, X, **kwargs): X = super()._preprocess_nonadaptive(X, **kwargs) if self._category_features is None: self._category_features = list(X.select_dtypes(include="category").columns) if self._category_features: X = X.copy() for category in self._category_features: current_categories = X[category].cat.categories if "__NaN__" in current_categories: X[category] = X[category].fillna("__NaN__") else: X[category] = X[category].cat.add_categories("__NaN__").fillna("__NaN__") return X def _estimate_memory_usage(self, X: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs) -> float: """ Returns the expected peak memory usage in bytes of the CatBoost model during fit. The memory usage of CatBoost is primarily made up of two sources: 1. The size of the data 2. The size of the histogram cache Scales roughly by 5080*num_features*2^depth bytes For 10000 features and 6 depth, the histogram would be 3.2 GB. """ num_classes = self.num_classes if self.num_classes else 1 # self.num_classes could be None after initialization if it's a regression problem data_mem_usage = get_approximate_df_mem_usage(X).sum() data_mem_usage_bytes = data_mem_usage * 5 + data_mem_usage / 4 * num_classes # TODO: Extremely crude approximation, can be vastly improved params = self._get_model_params(convert_search_spaces_to_default=True) border_count = params.get("border_count", 254) depth = params.get("depth", 6) # Formula based on manual testing, aligns with LightGBM histogram sizes histogram_mem_usage_bytes = 20 * math.pow(2, depth) * len(X.columns) * border_count histogram_mem_usage_bytes *= 1.2 # Add a 20% buffer approx_mem_size_req = data_mem_usage_bytes + histogram_mem_usage_bytes return approx_mem_size_req # TODO: Use Pool in preprocess, optimize bagging to do Pool.split() to avoid re-computing pool for each fold! Requires stateful + y # Pool is much more memory efficient, avoids copying data twice in memory def _fit(self, X, y, X_val=None, y_val=None, time_limit=None, num_gpus=0, num_cpus=-1, sample_weight=None, sample_weight_val=None, **kwargs): time_start = time.time() try_import_catboost() from catboost import CatBoostClassifier, CatBoostRegressor, Pool ag_params = self._get_ag_params() params = self._get_model_params() params["thread_count"] = num_cpus if self.problem_type == SOFTCLASS: # FIXME: This is extremely slow due to unoptimized metric / objective sent to CatBoost from .catboost_softclass_utils import SoftclassCustomMetric, SoftclassObjective params["loss_function"] = SoftclassObjective.SoftLogLossObjective() params["eval_metric"] = SoftclassCustomMetric.SoftLogLossMetric() elif self.problem_type == QUANTILE: # FIXME: Unless specified, CatBoost defaults to loss_function='MultiQuantile' and raises an exception params["loss_function"] = params["eval_metric"] model_type = CatBoostClassifier if self.problem_type in PROBLEM_TYPES_CLASSIFICATION else CatBoostRegressor num_rows_train = len(X) num_cols_train = len(X.columns) num_classes = self.num_classes if self.num_classes else 1 # self.num_classes could be None after initialization if it's a regression problem X = self.preprocess(X) cat_features = list(X.select_dtypes(include="category").columns) X = Pool(data=X, label=y, cat_features=cat_features, weight=sample_weight) if X_val is None: eval_set = None early_stopping_rounds = None else: X_val = self.preprocess(X_val) X_val = Pool(data=X_val, label=y_val, cat_features=cat_features, weight=sample_weight_val) eval_set = X_val early_stopping_rounds = ag_params.get("early_stop", "adaptive") if isinstance(early_stopping_rounds, (str, tuple, list)): early_stopping_rounds = self._get_early_stopping_rounds(num_rows_train=num_rows_train, strategy=early_stopping_rounds) if params.get("allow_writing_files", False): if "train_dir" not in params: try: # TODO: What if path is in S3? os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.path), exist_ok=True) except: pass else: params["train_dir"] = os.path.join(self.path, "catboost_info") # TODO: Add more control over these params (specifically early_stopping_rounds) verbosity = kwargs.get("verbosity", 2) if verbosity <= 1: verbose = False elif verbosity == 2: verbose = False elif verbosity == 3: verbose = 20 else: verbose = True num_features = len(self._features) if num_gpus != 0: if "task_type" not in params: params["task_type"] = "GPU" logger.log(20, f"\tTraining {} with GPU, note that this may negatively impact model quality compared to CPU training.") # TODO: Confirm if GPU is used in HPO (Probably not) # TODO: Adjust max_bins to 254? if params.get("task_type", None) == "GPU": if "colsample_bylevel" in params: params.pop("colsample_bylevel") logger.log(30, f"\t'colsample_bylevel' is not supported on GPU, using default value (Default = 1).") if "rsm" in params: params.pop("rsm") logger.log(30, f"\t'rsm' is not supported on GPU, using default value (Default = 1).") if self.problem_type == MULTICLASS and "rsm" not in params and "colsample_bylevel" not in params and num_features > 1000: # Subsample columns to speed up training if params.get("task_type", None) != "GPU": # RSM does not work on GPU params["colsample_bylevel"] = max(min(1.0, 1000 / num_features), 0.05) logger.log( 30, f'\tMany features detected ({num_features}), dynamically setting \'colsample_bylevel\' to {params["colsample_bylevel"]} to speed up training (Default = 1).', ) logger.log(30, f"\tTo disable this functionality, explicitly specify 'colsample_bylevel' in the model hyperparameters.") else: params["colsample_bylevel"] = 1.0 logger.log(30, f"\t'colsample_bylevel' is not supported on GPU, using default value (Default = 1).") logger.log(15, f"\tCatboost model hyperparameters: {params}") extra_fit_kwargs = dict() if params.get("task_type", None) != "GPU": callbacks = [] if early_stopping_rounds is not None: callbacks.append(EarlyStoppingCallback(stopping_rounds=early_stopping_rounds, eval_metric=params["eval_metric"])) if num_rows_train * num_cols_train * num_classes > 5_000_000: # The data is large enough to potentially cause memory issues during training, so monitor memory usage via callback. callbacks.append(MemoryCheckCallback()) if time_limit is not None: time_cur = time.time() time_left = time_limit - (time_cur - time_start) if time_left <= time_limit * 0.4: # if 60% of time was spent preprocessing, likely not enough time to train model raise TimeLimitExceeded callbacks.append(TimeCheckCallback(time_start=time_cur, time_limit=time_left)) extra_fit_kwargs["callbacks"] = callbacks else: logger.log(30, f"\tWarning: CatBoost on GPU is experimental. If you encounter issues, use CPU for training CatBoost instead.") if time_limit is not None: params["iterations"] = self._estimate_iter_in_time_gpu( X=X, eval_set=eval_set, time_limit=time_limit, verbose=verbose, params=params, num_rows_train=num_rows_train, time_start=time_start, model_type=model_type, ) if early_stopping_rounds is not None: if isinstance(early_stopping_rounds, int): extra_fit_kwargs["early_stopping_rounds"] = early_stopping_rounds elif isinstance(early_stopping_rounds, tuple): extra_fit_kwargs["early_stopping_rounds"] = 50 self.model = model_type(**params) # TODO: Custom metrics don't seem to work anymore # TODO: Custom metrics not supported in GPU mode # TODO: Callbacks not supported in GPU mode fit_final_kwargs = dict( eval_set=eval_set, verbose=verbose, **extra_fit_kwargs, ) if eval_set is not None: fit_final_kwargs["use_best_model"] = True, **fit_final_kwargs) self.params_trained["iterations"] = self.model.tree_count_ # FIXME: This logic is a hack made to maintain compatibility with GPU CatBoost. # GPU CatBoost does not support callbacks or custom metrics. # Since we use callbacks to check memory and training time in CPU mode, we need a way to estimate these things prior to training for GPU mode. # This method will train a model on a toy number of iterations to estimate memory and training time. # It will return an updated iterations to train on that will avoid running OOM and running over time limit. # Remove this logic once CatBoost fixes GPU support for callbacks and custom metrics. def _estimate_iter_in_time_gpu(self, *, X, eval_set, time_limit, verbose, params, num_rows_train, time_start, model_type): import math import pickle import sys modifier = min(1.0, 10000 / num_rows_train) num_sample_iter_max = max(round(modifier * 50), 2) time_left_start = time_limit - (time.time() - time_start) if time_left_start <= time_limit * 0.4: # if 60% of time was spent preprocessing, likely not enough time to train model raise TimeLimitExceeded default_iters = params["iterations"] params_init = params.copy() num_sample_iter = min(num_sample_iter_max, params_init["iterations"]) params_init["iterations"] = num_sample_iter sample_model = model_type( **params_init, ) X, eval_set=eval_set, use_best_model=True, verbose=verbose, ) time_left_end = time_limit - (time.time() - time_start) time_taken_per_iter = (time_left_start - time_left_end) / num_sample_iter estimated_iters_in_time = round(time_left_end / time_taken_per_iter) available_mem = ResourceManager.get_available_virtual_mem() if self.problem_type == SOFTCLASS: model_size_bytes = 1 # skip memory check else: model_size_bytes = sys.getsizeof(pickle.dumps(sample_model)) max_memory_proportion = 0.3 mem_usage_per_iter = model_size_bytes / num_sample_iter max_memory_iters = math.floor(available_mem * max_memory_proportion / mem_usage_per_iter) final_iters = min(default_iters, min(max_memory_iters, estimated_iters_in_time)) return final_iters def _predict_proba(self, X, **kwargs): if self.problem_type != SOFTCLASS: return super()._predict_proba(X, **kwargs) # For SOFTCLASS problems, manually transform predictions into probabilities via softmax X = self.preprocess(X, **kwargs) y_pred_proba = self.model.predict(X, prediction_type="RawFormulaVal") y_pred_proba = np.exp(y_pred_proba) y_pred_proba = np.multiply(y_pred_proba, 1 / np.sum(y_pred_proba, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]) if y_pred_proba.shape[1] == 2: y_pred_proba = y_pred_proba[:, 1] return y_pred_proba def _get_default_auxiliary_params(self) -> dict: default_auxiliary_params = super()._get_default_auxiliary_params() extra_auxiliary_params = dict( valid_raw_types=[R_BOOL, R_INT, R_FLOAT, R_CATEGORY], ) default_auxiliary_params.update(extra_auxiliary_params) return default_auxiliary_params def _get_early_stopping_rounds(self, num_rows_train, strategy="auto"): return get_early_stopping_rounds(num_rows_train=num_rows_train, strategy=strategy) def _ag_params(self) -> set: return {"early_stop"} def _validate_fit_memory_usage(self, mem_error_threshold: float = 1, mem_warning_threshold: float = 0.75, mem_size_threshold: int = 1e9, **kwargs): return super()._validate_fit_memory_usage( mem_error_threshold=mem_error_threshold, mem_warning_threshold=mem_warning_threshold, mem_size_threshold=mem_size_threshold, **kwargs ) def get_minimum_resources(self, is_gpu_available=False): minimum_resources = { "num_cpus": 1, } if is_gpu_available: # Our custom implementation does not support partial GPU. No gpu usage according to nvidia-smi when the `num_gpus` passed to fit is fractional` minimum_resources["num_gpus"] = 0.5 return minimum_resources def _get_default_resources(self): # logical=False is faster in training num_cpus = ResourceManager.get_cpu_count_psutil(logical=False) num_gpus = 0 return num_cpus, num_gpus def _more_tags(self): # `can_refit_full=True` because iterations is communicated at end of `_fit` return {"can_refit_full": True}