Source code for autogluon.features.generators.rename

import copy
import logging

from pandas import DataFrame

from .abstract import AbstractFeatureGenerator

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class RenameFeatureGenerator(AbstractFeatureGenerator): """ RenameFeatureGenerator renames the columns without altering their values. This can be used to avoid column name collisions when transforming the same feature in multiple ways, or to highlight that a feature was derived from a particular pipeline. Parameters ---------- name_prefix : str, default None Name prefix to add to all output feature names. name_suffix : str, default None Name suffix to add to all output feature names. inplace : bool, default False If True, then the column names are renamed inplace without copying the input data. This will alter the input data outside of the scope of this function. **kwargs : Refer to :class:`AbstractFeatureGenerator` documentation for details on valid key word arguments. """ def __init__(self, name_prefix=None, name_suffix=None, inplace=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._name_prefix = name_prefix self._name_suffix = name_suffix self.inplace = inplace self._is_updated_name = None def _fit_transform(self, X: DataFrame, **kwargs) -> (DataFrame, dict): column_rename_map, self._is_updated_name = self._get_renamed_features(X) if not self.inplace: X = copy.deepcopy(X) X.columns = [column_rename_map.get(col, col) for col in X.columns] feature_metadata_out = self.feature_metadata_in.rename_features(column_rename_map) return X, feature_metadata_out.type_group_map_special def _transform(self, X: DataFrame) -> DataFrame: if self._is_updated_name: if not self.inplace: X = copy.deepcopy(X) X.columns = self.features_out return X def _get_renamed_features(self, X: DataFrame) -> (DataFrame, dict): X_columns_orig = list(X.columns) X_columns_new = list(X.columns) if self._name_prefix: X_columns_new = [self._name_prefix + column for column in X_columns_new] if self._name_suffix: X_columns_new = [column + self._name_suffix for column in X_columns_new] if X_columns_orig != X_columns_new: is_updated_name = True else: is_updated_name = False column_rename_map = {orig: new for orig, new in zip(X_columns_orig, X_columns_new)} return column_rename_map, is_updated_name @staticmethod def get_default_infer_features_in_args() -> dict: return dict() def _more_tags(self): return { "feature_interactions": False, "allow_post_generators": False, # TODO: This might not be necessary anymore }