Source code for autogluon.core.scheduler.hyperband

import pickle
import logging
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing as mp
import os
import copy

from .fifo import FIFOScheduler
from .hyperband_stopping import StoppingRungSystem
from .hyperband_promotion import PromotionRungSystem

from ..utils import load
from ..utils.default_arguments import check_and_merge_defaults, \
    Integer, Boolean, Categorical, filter_by_key

__all__ = ['HyperbandScheduler',

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    'max_t', 'grace_period', 'reduction_factor', 'brackets', 'type',
    'searcher_data', 'do_snapshots', 'rung_system_per_bracket',
    'keep_size_ratios', 'random_seed', 'rung_levels'}

    'resume': False,
    'grace_period': 1,
    'reduction_factor': 3,
    'brackets': 1,
    'type': 'stopping',
    'searcher_data': 'rungs',
    'do_snapshots': False,
    'rung_system_per_bracket': True,
    'random_seed': 31415927,
    'rung_levels': None}

[docs]class HyperbandScheduler(FIFOScheduler): r"""Implements different variants of asynchronous Hyperband See 'type' for the different variants. One implementation detail is when using multiple brackets, task allocation to bracket is done randomly, based on a distribution inspired by the synchronous Hyperband case. For definitions of concepts (bracket, rung, milestone), see Li, Jamieson, Rostamizadeh, Gonina, Hardt, Recht, Talwalkar (2018) A System for Massively Parallel Hyperparameter Tuning or Tiao, Klein, Lienart, Archambeau, Seeger (2020) Model-based Asynchronous Hyperparameter and Neural Architecture Search Note: This scheduler requires both reward and resource (time) to be returned by the reporter. Here, resource (time) values must be positive int. If time_attr == 'epoch', this should be the number of epochs done, starting from 1 (not the epoch number, starting from 0). Rung levels and promotion quantiles: Rung levels are values of the resource attribute at which stop/go decisions are made for jobs, comparing their reward against others at the same level. These rung levels (positive, strictly increasing) can be specified via `rung_levels`, the largest must be `<= max_t`. If `rung_levels` is not given, rung levels are specified by `grace_period` and `reduction_factor`: [grace_period * (reduction_factor ** j)], j = 0, 1, ... This is the default choice for successive halving (Hyperband). Note: If `rung_levels` is given, then `grace_period`, `reduction_factor` are ignored. If they are given, a warning is logged. The rung levels determine the quantiles to be used in the stop/go decisions. If rung levels are r_0, r_1, ..., define q_j = r_j / r_{j+1} q_j is the promotion quantile at rung level r_j. On average, a fraction of q_j jobs can continue, the remaining ones are stopped (or paused). In the default successive halving case: q_j = 1 / reduction_factor for all j Parameters ---------- train_fn : callable A task launch function for training. args : object, optional Default arguments for launching train_fn. resource : dict Computation resources. For example, `{'num_cpus':2, 'num_gpus':1}` searcher : str or BaseSearcher Searcher (get_config decisions). If str, this is passed to searcher_factory along with search_options. search_options : dict If searcher is str, these arguments are passed to searcher_factory. checkpoint : str If filename given here, a checkpoint of scheduler (and searcher) state is written to file every time a job finishes. Note: May not be fully supported by all searchers. resume : bool If True, scheduler state is loaded from checkpoint, and experiment starts from there. Note: May not be fully supported by all searchers. num_trials : int Maximum number of jobs run in experiment. One of `num_trials`, `time_out` must be given. time_out : float If given, jobs are started only until this time_out (wall clock time). Moreover, we also stop jobs after time_out has passed, when they report a result. One of `num_trials`, `time_out` must be given. reward_attr : str Name of reward (i.e., metric to maximize) attribute in data obtained from reporter time_attr : str Name of resource (or time) attribute in data obtained from reporter. Note: The type of resource must be positive int. max_t : int Maximum resource (see time_attr) to be used for a job. Together with `grace_period` and `reduction_factor`, this is used to determine rung levels in Hyperband brackets (if `rung_levels` is not given). Note: If this is not given, we try to infer its value from `train_fn.args`, checking `train_fn.args.epochs` or `train_fn.args.max_t`. If `max_t` is given as argument here, it takes precedence. grace_period : int Minimum resource (see `time_attr`) to be used for a job. Ignored if `rung_levels` is given. reduction_factor : int (>= 2) Parameter to determine rung levels in successive halving (Hyperband). Ignored if `rung_levels` is given. rung_levels: list of int If given, prescribes the set of rung levels to be used. Must contain positive integers, strictly increasing. This information overrides `grace_period` and `reduction_factor`, but not `max_t`. Note that the stop/promote rule in the successive halving scheduler is set based on the ratio of successive rung levels. brackets : int Number of brackets to be used in Hyperband. Each bracket has a different grace period, all share max_t and reduction_factor. If brackets == 1, we just run successive halving. training_history_callback : callable Callback function func called every time a result is added to training_history, if at least training_history_callback_delta_secs seconds passed since the last recent call. See _add_training_result for the signature of this callback function. Use this callback to serialize self.training_history after regular intervals. training_history_callback_delta_secs : float See training_history_callback. training_history_searcher_info : bool If True, information about the current state of the searcher is added to every reported_result before added to training_history. This info includes in particular the current hyperparameters of the surrogate model of the searcher, as well as the dataset size. delay_get_config : bool If True, the call to searcher.get_config is delayed until a worker resource for evaluation is available. Otherwise, get_config is called just after a job has been started. For searchers which adapt to past data, True should be preferred. Otherwise, it does not matter. stop_jobs_after_time_out : bool Relevant only if `time_out` is used. If True, jobs which report a metric are stopped once `time_out` has passed. Otherwise, such jobs are allowed to continue until the end, or until stopped for other reasons. The latter can mean an experiment runs far longer than `time_out`. type : str Type of Hyperband scheduler: stopping: A config eval is executed by a single task. The task is stopped at a milestone if its metric is worse than a fraction of those who reached the milestone earlier, otherwise it continues. As implemented in Ray/Tune: See :class:`StoppingRungSystem`. promotion: A config eval may be associated with multiple tasks over its lifetime. It is never terminated, but may be paused. Whenever a task becomes available, it may promote a config to the next milestone, if better than a fraction of others who reached the milestone. If no config can be promoted, a new one is chosen. This variant may benefit from pause&resume, which is not directly supported here. As proposed in this paper (termed ASHA): See :class:`PromotionRungSystem`. dist_ip_addrs : list of str IP addresses of remote machines. searcher_data : str Relevant only if a model-based searcher is used, and if train_fn is such that we receive results (from the reporter) at each successive resource level, not just at the rung levels. Example: For NN tuning and `time_attr` == 'epoch', we receive a result for each epoch, but not all epoch values are also rung levels. searcher_data determines which of these results are passed to the searcher. As a rule, the more data the searcher receives, the better its fit, but also the more expensive get_config may become. Choices: - 'rungs' (default): Only results at rung levels. Cheapest - 'all': All results. Most expensive - 'rungs_and_last': Results at rung levels, plus the most recent result. This means that in between rung levels, only the most recent result is used by the searcher. This is in between rung_system_per_bracket : bool This concerns Hyperband with brackets > 1. When starting a job for a new config, it is assigned a randomly sampled bracket. The larger the bracket, the larger the grace period for the config. If `rung_system_per_bracket` is True, we maintain separate rung level systems for each bracket, so that configs only compete with others started in the same bracket. This is the default behaviour of Hyperband. If False, we use a single rung level system, so that all configs compete with each other. In this case, the bracket of a config only determines the initial grace period, i.e. the first milestone at which it starts competing with others. The concept of brackets in Hyperband is meant to hedge against overly aggressive filtering in successive halving, based on low fidelity criteria. In practice, successive halving (i.e., `brackets = 1`) often works best in the asynchronous case (as implemented here). If `brackets > 1`, the hedging is stronger if `rung_system_per_bracket` is True. random_seed : int Random seed for PRNG for bracket sampling do_snapshots : bool Support snapshots? If True, a snapshot of all running tasks and rung levels is returned by _promote_config. This snapshot is passed to the searcher in get_config. Note: Currently, only the stopping variant supports snapshots. See Also -------- HyperbandBracketManager Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import autogluon.core as ag >>> @ag.args( ..., 1e-2, log=True), ..., 1e-2), ... epochs=10) >>> def train_fn(args, reporter): ... print('lr: {}, wd: {}'.format(, args.wd)) ... for e in range(args.epochs): ... dummy_accuracy = 1 - np.power(1.8, -np.random.uniform(e, 2*e)) ... reporter(epoch=e+1, accuracy=dummy_accuracy,, wd=args.wd) >>> scheduler = ag.scheduler.HyperbandScheduler( ... train_fn, ... resource={'num_cpus': 2, 'num_gpus': 0}, ... num_trials=20, ... reward_attr='accuracy', ... time_attr='epoch', ... grace_period=1) >>> >>> scheduler.join_jobs() >>> scheduler.get_training_curves(plot=True) """ _CONSTRAINTS = { 'resume': Boolean(), 'max_t': Integer(1, None), 'grace_period': Integer(1, None), 'reduction_factor': Integer(2, None), 'brackets': Integer(1, None), 'type': Categorical(('stopping', 'promotion')), 'searcher_data': Categorical( ('rungs', 'all', 'rungs_and_last')), 'do_snapshots': Boolean(), 'rung_system_per_bracket': Boolean(), 'random_seed': Integer(0, None)} def __init__(self, train_fn, **kwargs): # Setting max_t: # A well-written train_fn reveals its max_t value. We check fields in # train_fn.args: epochs, max_t. # In any case, the max_t argument takes precedence. If it is None, we use # the one inferred from train_fn.args. If neither is given, we raise an # exception inferred_max_t = self._infer_max_t(train_fn.args) max_t = kwargs.get('max_t') if max_t is not None: if inferred_max_t is not None and max_t != inferred_max_t: logger.warning( "max_t = {} is different from the value {} inferred from train_fn.args (train_fn.args.epochs, train_fn.args.max_t)".format(max_t, inferred_max_t)) else: assert inferred_max_t is not None, \ "Either max_t must be specified, or it has to be specified via train_fn (as train_fn.args.epochs or train_fn.args.max_t)""max_t = {}, as inferred from train_fn.args".format( inferred_max_t)) max_t = inferred_max_t # Deprecated kwargs deprecated_keys = ('keep_size_ratios', 'maxt_pending') for k in deprecated_keys: if k in kwargs: logger.warning("'{}' is deprecated, will be ignored".format(k)) del kwargs[k] # If rung_levels is given, grace_period and reduction_factor are ignored rung_levels = kwargs.get('rung_levels') if rung_levels is not None: assert isinstance(rung_levels, list) if ('grace_period' in kwargs) or ('reduction_factor' in kwargs): logger.warning( "Since rung_levels is given, the values grace_period = " "{} and reduction_factor = {} are ignored!".format( kwargs['grace_period'], kwargs['reduction_factor'])) # Check values and impute default values (only for arguments new to # this class) kwargs = check_and_merge_defaults( kwargs, set(), _DEFAULT_OPTIONS, self._CONSTRAINTS, dict_name='scheduler_options') resume = kwargs['resume'] scheduler_type = kwargs['type'] supported_types = self._CONSTRAINTS["type"].choices assert scheduler_type in supported_types, \ "type = '{}' not supported, must be in {}".format( scheduler_type, supported_types) rung_levels = _get_rung_levels( rung_levels, grace_period=kwargs['grace_period'], reduction_factor=kwargs['reduction_factor'], max_t=max_t) brackets = kwargs['brackets'] do_snapshots = kwargs['do_snapshots'] assert (not do_snapshots) or (scheduler_type == 'stopping'), \ "Snapshots are supported only for type = 'stopping'" rung_system_per_bracket = kwargs['rung_system_per_bracket'] # Adjoin information about scheduler to search_options search_options = kwargs.get('search_options') if search_options is None: _search_options = dict() else: _search_options = search_options.copy() _search_options['scheduler'] = 'hyperband_{}'.format(scheduler_type) _search_options['min_epochs'] = rung_levels[0] _search_options['max_epochs'] = max_t kwargs['search_options'] = _search_options # Pass resume=False here. Resume needs members of this object to be # created kwargs['resume'] = False super().__init__( train_fn=train_fn, **filter_by_key(kwargs, _ARGUMENT_KEYS)) self.max_t = max_t self.scheduler_type = scheduler_type self.terminator = self._init_bracket_manager( scheduler_type, max_t, rung_levels, brackets, rung_system_per_bracket, kwargs['random_seed']) self.do_snapshots = do_snapshots self.searcher_data = kwargs['searcher_data'] # Maintains a snapshot of currently running tasks, needed by several # features (for example, searcher_data == 'rungs_and_last', or for # providing a snapshot to the searcher). # Maps str(task_id) to dict, with fields: # - config # - time_stamp: Time when task was started, or when last recent # result was reported # - reported_result: Last recent reported result, or None (task was # started, but did not report anything yet. # Note: Only contains attributes self._reward_attr and # self._time_attr). # - bracket: Bracket number # - keep_case: Boolean flag. Relevant only if searcher_data == # 'rungs_and_last'. See _run_reporter self._running_tasks = dict() # This lock protects both _running_tasks and terminator, the latter # does not define its own lock self._hyperband_lock = mp.Lock() if resume: checkpoint = kwargs.get('checkpoint') assert checkpoint is not None, \ "Need checkpoint to be set if resume = True" if os.path.isfile(checkpoint): self.load_state_dict(load(checkpoint)) else: msg = f'checkpoint path {checkpoint} is not available for resume.' logger.exception(msg) raise FileExistsError(msg) def _init_bracket_manager(self, scheduler_type, max_t, rung_levels, brackets, rung_system_per_bracket, random_seed): # Initialize bracket manager. # NOTE: Subclasses can use different managers. terminator = HyperbandBracketManager( scheduler_type, self._time_attr, self._reward_attr, max_t, rung_levels, brackets, rung_system_per_bracket, random_seed) return terminator @staticmethod def _infer_max_t(args): if hasattr(args, 'epochs'): return args.epochs elif hasattr(args, 'max_t'): return args.max_t else: return None
[docs] def on_task_add(self, task, **kwargs): """ Called when new task is added. Register new task, inform searcher (pending evaluation) and train_fn (resume_from, checkpointing). Relevant entries in kwargs: - bracket: HB bracket to be used. Has been sampled in _promote_config - new_config: If True, task starts new config eval, otherwise it promotes a config (only if type == 'promotion') - elapsed_time: Time stamp Only if new_config == False: - config_key: Internal key for config - resume_from: config promoted from this milestone - milestone: config promoted to this milestone (next from resume_from) :param task: :param kwargs: """ # Register task task_key = str(task.task_id) config = task.args['config'] debug_log = self.searcher.debug_log config_id = debug_log.config_id(config) if debug_log else None with self._hyperband_lock: assert task_key not in self._running_tasks, \ "Task {} is already registered as running".format(task_key) self._running_tasks[task_key] = { 'config': config, 'time_stamp': kwargs['elapsed_time'], 'bracket': kwargs['bracket'], 'reported_result': None, 'keep_case': False} first_milestone = self.terminator.on_task_add(task, **kwargs)[-1] if kwargs.get('new_config', True): # Task starts a new config next_milestone = first_milestone if debug_log is not None: # Debug log output msg = "config_id {} starts (first milestone = {})".format( config_id, next_milestone) else: # Promotion of config # This is a signal towards train_fn, which can be used for pause # & resume (given that train_fn checkpoints model state): Access # in train_fn as args.scheduler.resume_from if 'scheduler' not in task.args['args']: task.args['args']['scheduler'] = dict() resume_from = kwargs['resume_from'] task.args['args']['scheduler']['resume_from'] = resume_from next_milestone = kwargs['milestone'] if debug_log is not None: # Debug log output msg = "config_id {} promoted from {} (next milestone = {})".format( config_id, resume_from, next_milestone) # Register pending evaluation(s) with searcher self.searcher.register_pending(config, milestone=next_milestone) # Relay config_id to train_fn (for debug logging) if debug_log is not None: task.args['args']['config_id'] = config_id
def _class_for_add_job(self): return HyperbandScheduler def _update_searcher_internal(self, task, result): config = task.args['config'] if self.searcher_data == 'rungs_and_last': # Remove last recently added result for this task. This is not # done if it fell on a rung level (i.e., `keep_case` is True) with self._hyperband_lock: task_record = self._running_tasks[str(task.task_id)] if (task_record['reported_result'] is not None) and \ (not task_record['keep_case']): rem_result = task_record['reported_result'] self.searcher.remove_case(config, **rem_result) self.searcher.update(config, **result) def _update_searcher(self, task, result, task_info): """ Updates searcher with `result` (depending on `searcher_data`), and registers pending configs with searcher. :param task: :param result: Record obtained from reporter :param task_info: Info from self.terminator.on_task_report :return: Has searcher been updated? """ task_continues = task_info['task_continues'] milestone_reached = task_info['milestone_reached'] did_update = False if self.searcher_data == 'rungs': if milestone_reached: # Update searcher with intermediate result self._update_searcher_internal(task, result) did_update = True if task_continues: next_milestone = task_info.get('next_milestone') if next_milestone is not None: self.searcher.register_pending( task.args['config'], milestone=next_milestone) elif not task_info.get('ignore_data', False): # All results are reported to the searcher, except if # task_info['ignore_data'] is True. The latter happens only for # tasks running promoted configs. In this case, we may receive # reports before the first milestone is reached, which should not # be passed to the searcher (they'd duplicate earlier # datapoints). # See also header comment of PromotionRungSystem. self._update_searcher_internal(task, result) did_update = True # Since all results are reported, the next report for this task # will be for resource + 1. # NOTE: This assumes that results are reported for all successive # resource levels (int). If any resource level is skipped, # there may be left-over pending candidates, which will be # removed once the task finishes. if task_continues: self.searcher.register_pending( task.args['config'], milestone=int(result[self._time_attr]) + 1) return did_update
[docs] def on_task_report(self, task, result): """ Called by reporter thread once a new result is reported. :param task: :param result: :return: Should reporter move on? Otherwise, it terminates """ task_key = str(task.task_id) debug_log = self.searcher.debug_log config = task.args['config'] config_id = debug_log.config_id(config) if debug_log else None task_continues = None if 'traceback' in result: # Evaluation has failed logger.critical(result['traceback']) self.searcher.evaluation_failed(config, **result) if debug_log is not None: msg = "config_id {}: Evaluation failed:\n{}".format( config_id, result['traceback']) task_continues = False elif result.get('done', False): task_continues = False # Time since start of experiment elapsed_time = self._elapsed_time() # If we are past self.time_out, we want to stop the job if self._stop_jobs_after_time_out and elapsed_time > self.time_out: if debug_log is not None: msg = "config_id {}: Terminating because elapsed_time = {} > {} = self.time_out".format( config_id, elapsed_time, self.time_out) task_continues = False elif len(result) == 0: # An empty dict should just be skipped if debug_log is not None: msg = "config_id {}: Skipping empty dict received from reporter".format( config_id) task_continues = True if task_continues is None: # Call before _add_training_results, since we may be able to report # extra information from the bracket: with self._hyperband_lock: task_info = self.terminator.on_task_report(task, result) task_continues = task_info['task_continues'] milestone_reached = task_info['milestone_reached'] # Append extra information to result result['bracket'] = task_info['bracket_id'] if not task_continues: result['terminated'] = True self._append_extra_searcher_info(result) # Pass result to training_history self._add_training_result(task.task_id, result, config=config) # Update searcher and register pending self._update_searcher(task, result, task_info) # Change snapshot entry for task # Note: This must not be done above, because what _update_searcher # is doing, depends on the entry *before* its update here. with self._hyperband_lock: # Note: result may contain all sorts of extra info. # All we need to maintain in the snapshot are reward and # resource level. # 'keep_case' entry (only used if searcher_data == # 'rungs_and_last'): The result is kept in the dataset iff # milestone_reached == True (i.e., we are at a rung level). # Otherwise, it is removed once _update_searcher is called for # the next recent result. self._running_tasks[task_key].update({ 'time_stamp': elapsed_time, 'reported_result': { self._reward_attr: result[self._reward_attr], self._time_attr: result[self._time_attr]}, 'keep_case': milestone_reached}) if debug_log is not None: resource = int(result[self._time_attr]) if not task_continues: if self.scheduler_type == 'stopping' or resource >= self.max_t: act_str = 'Terminating' else: act_str = 'Pausing' msg = "config_id {}: {} evaluation at {}".format( config_id, act_str, resource) elif milestone_reached: msg = "config_id {}: Reaches {}, continues".format( config_id, resource) next_milestone = task_info.get('next_milestone') if next_milestone is not None: msg += " to {}".format(next_milestone) if not task_continues: with self._hyperband_lock: self.terminator.on_task_remove(task) # Cleanup if task_key in self._running_tasks: del self._running_tasks[task_key] return task_continues
def _run_reporter(self, task, task_job, reporter): while not task_job.done(): reported_result = reporter.fetch() if self.on_task_report(task, reported_result): reporter.move_on() else: reporter.terminate() break def _snapshot_tasks(self, bracket_id): # If all brackets share a single rung level system, then all # running jobs have to be taken into account, otherwise only # those jobs running in the same bracket all_running = not self.terminator._rung_system_per_bracket tasks = dict() for k, v in self._running_tasks.items(): if all_running or (v['bracket'] == bracket_id): reported_result = v['reported_result'] level = 0 if reported_result is None \ else reported_result[self._time_attr] # It is possible to have tasks in _running_tasks which have # reached self.max_t. These must not end up in the snapshot if level < self.max_t: tasks[k] = { 'config': v['config'], 'time': v['time_stamp'], 'level': level} return tasks # Snapshot (in extra_kwargs['snapshot']): # - max_resource # - reduction_factor # - tasks: Info about running tasks in bracket bracket_id (or, if # brackets share the same rung level system, all running tasks): # dict(task_id) -> dict: # - config: config as dict # - time: Time when task was started, or when last recent result was # reported # - level: Level of last recent result report, or 0 if no reports yet # - rungs: Metric values at rung levels in bracket bracket_id: # List of (rung_level, metric_dict), where metric_dict has entries # task_id: metric_value. Note that entries are sorted in decreasing order # w.r.t. rung_level. def _promote_config(self): with self._hyperband_lock: config, extra_kwargs = self.terminator.on_task_schedule() if self.do_snapshots: # Append snapshot bracket_id = extra_kwargs['bracket'] extra_kwargs['snapshot'] = { 'tasks': self._snapshot_tasks(bracket_id), 'rungs': self.terminator.snapshot_rungs(bracket_id), 'max_resource': self.max_t} debug_log = self.searcher.debug_log if (debug_log is not None) and (config is not None): # Debug log output config_id = debug_log.config_id(config) msg = "config_id {}: Promotion from {} to {}".format( config_id, extra_kwargs['resume_from'], extra_kwargs['milestone']) return config, extra_kwargs
[docs] def state_dict(self, destination=None, no_fifo_lock=False): """Returns a dictionary containing a whole state of the scheduler Examples -------- >>> import autogluon.core as ag >>>, '') """ destination = super().state_dict( destination, no_fifo_lock=no_fifo_lock) # Note: _running_tasks is not part of the state to be checkpointed. # The assumption is that if an experiment is resumed from a # checkpoint, tasks which did not finish at the checkpoint, are not # restarted with self._hyperband_lock: destination['terminator'] = pickle.dumps(self.terminator) return destination
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, state_dict): """Load from the saved state dict. Examples -------- >>> import autogluon.core as ag >>> scheduler.load_state_dict(ag.load('')) """ with self._hyperband_lock: assert len(self._running_tasks) == 0, \ "load_state_dict must only be called as part of scheduler construction" super().load_state_dict(state_dict) # Note: _running_tasks is empty from __init__, it is not recreated, # since running tasks are not part of the checkpoint self.terminator = pickle.loads(state_dict['terminator'])'Loading Terminator State {}'.format(self.terminator))
def __repr__(self): reprstr = self.__class__.__name__ + '(' + \ 'terminator: ' + str(self.terminator) return reprstr
def _sample_bracket(num_brackets, rung_levels, random_state=None): # Brackets are sampled in proportion to the number of configs started # in synchronous Hyperband in each bracket if num_brackets > 1: smax_plus1 = len(rung_levels) assert num_brackets <= smax_plus1 probs = np.array([ smax_plus1 / ((smax_plus1 - s) * rung_levels[s]) for s in range(num_brackets)]) normalized = probs / probs.sum() if random_state is None: random_state = np.random return random_state.choice(num_brackets, p=normalized) else: return 0 def _is_positive_int(x): return int(x) == x and x >= 1 def _get_rung_levels(rung_levels, grace_period, reduction_factor, max_t): if rung_levels is not None: assert isinstance(rung_levels, list) and len(rung_levels) > 1, \ "rung_levels must be list of size >= 2" assert all(_is_positive_int(x) for x in rung_levels), \ "rung_levels must be list of positive integers" rung_levels = [int(x) for x in rung_levels] assert all(x < y for x, y in zip(rung_levels, rung_levels[1:])), \ "rung_levels must be strictly increasing sequence" assert rung_levels[-1] <= max_t, \ "Last entry of rung_levels ({}) must be <= max_t ({})".format( rung_levels[-1], max_t) else: # Rung levels given by grace_period, reduction_factor, max_t assert _is_positive_int(grace_period) assert _is_positive_int(reduction_factor) assert _is_positive_int(max_t) assert max_t > grace_period, \ "max_t ({}) must be greater than grace_period ({})".format( max_t, grace_period) rf = reduction_factor min_t = grace_period max_rungs = int(np.log(max_t / min_t) / np.log(rf) + 1) rung_levels = [min_t * rf ** k for k in range(max_rungs)] assert rung_levels[-1] <= max_t # Sanity check assert len(rung_levels) >= 2, \ "grace_period = {}, reduction_factor = {}, max_t = {} leads to single rung level only".format( grace_period, reduction_factor, max_t) return rung_levels class HyperbandBracketManager(object): """Hyperband Manager Maintains rung level systems for range of brackets. Differences depending on `scheduler_type` ('stopping', 'promotion') manifest themselves mostly at the level of the rung level system itself. For `scheduler_type` == 'stopping', see :class:`StoppingRungSystem`. For `scheduler_type` == 'promotion', see :class:`PromotionRungSystem`. Args: scheduler_type : str See HyperbandScheduler. time_attr : str See HyperbandScheduler. reward_attr : str See HyperbandScheduler. max_t : int See HyperbandScheduler. rung_levels : list[int] See HyperbandScheduler. If `rung_levels` is not given there, the default rung levels based on `grace_period` and `reduction_factor` are used. brackets : int See HyperbandScheduler. rung_system_per_bracket : bool See HyperbandScheduler. random_seed : int Random seed for bracket sampling """ def __init__( self, scheduler_type, time_attr, reward_attr, max_t, rung_levels, brackets, rung_system_per_bracket, random_seed): self._scheduler_type = scheduler_type self._reward_attr = reward_attr self._time_attr = time_attr self._max_t = max_t self.rung_levels = copy.copy(rung_levels) self._rung_system_per_bracket = rung_system_per_bracket # Maps str(task_id) -> bracket_id self._task_info = dict() max_num_brackets = len(rung_levels) self.num_brackets = min(brackets, max_num_brackets) num_systems = self.num_brackets if rung_system_per_bracket else 1 rung_levels_plus_maxt = rung_levels[1:] + [max_t] # Promotion quantiles: q_j = r_j / r_{j+1} promote_quantiles = [ x / y for x, y in zip(rung_levels, rung_levels_plus_maxt)] self._rung_systems = self._init_rung_systems( scheduler_type, rung_levels, promote_quantiles, max_t, num_systems ) self.random_state = np.random.RandomState(random_seed) @staticmethod def _init_rung_systems(scheduler_type, rung_levels, promote_quantiles, max_t, num_systems): # Initialize rung system for each level. # NOTE: Subclasses can use different rung system implementations. if scheduler_type == 'stopping': rs_type = StoppingRungSystem else: rs_type = PromotionRungSystem rung_systems = [ rs_type(rung_levels[s:], promote_quantiles[s:], max_t) for s in range(num_systems)] return rung_systems def _get_rung_system_for_bracket_id(self, bracket_id): if self._rung_system_per_bracket: sys_id = bracket_id skip_rungs = 0 else: sys_id = 0 skip_rungs = bracket_id return self._rung_systems[sys_id], skip_rungs def _get_rung_system(self, task_id): bracket_id = self._task_info[str(task_id)] rung_sys, skip_rungs = self._get_rung_system_for_bracket_id(bracket_id) return rung_sys, bracket_id, skip_rungs def on_task_add(self, task, **kwargs): """ Called when new task is started. Since the bracket has already been sampled in on_task_schedule, not much is done here. We return the list of milestones for this bracket in reverse (decreasing) order. The first entry is max_t, even if it is not a milestone in the bracket. This list contains the resource levels the task would reach if it ran to max_t without being stopped. :param task: Only task.task_id is used :return: List of milestones in decreasing order, where max_t is first """ assert 'bracket' in kwargs bracket_id = kwargs['bracket'] self._task_info[str(task.task_id)] = bracket_id rung_sys, skip_rungs = self._get_rung_system_for_bracket_id(bracket_id) rung_sys.on_task_add(task, skip_rungs=skip_rungs, **kwargs) milestones = rung_sys.get_milestones(skip_rungs) if milestones[0] < self._max_t: milestones.insert(0, self._max_t) return milestones def on_task_report(self, task, result): """ This method is called by the reporter thread whenever a new metric value is received. It returns a dictionary with all the information needed for making decisions (e.g., stop / continue task, update model, etc) - task_continues: Should task continue or stop/pause? - milestone_reached: True if rung level (or max_t) is hit - next_milestone: If hit rung level < max_t, this is the subsequent rung level (otherwise: None) - bracket_id: Bracket in which the task is running :param task: Only task.task_id is used :param result: Current reported results from task :return: See above """ rung_sys, bracket_id, skip_rungs = self._get_rung_system(task.task_id) ret_dict = { 'bracket_id': bracket_id, 'task_continues': False, 'milestone_reached': True, 'next_milestone': None } if self._scheduler_type == 'promotion': ret_dict['ignore_data'] = False if result[self._time_attr] < self._max_t: rung_info = self._report_to_rung_sys(rung_sys, task, result, skip_rungs) ret_dict.update(rung_info) # Special case: If config just reached the last milestone in # the bracket and survived, next_milestone is equal to max_t if ret_dict['task_continues'] and ret_dict['milestone_reached'] \ and (ret_dict['next_milestone'] is None): ret_dict['next_milestone'] = self._max_t return ret_dict def _report_to_rung_sys(self, rung_sys, task, result, skip_rungs): # Pass result to rung system to decide if task may continue. rung_info = rung_sys.on_task_report( task, result[self._time_attr], result[self._reward_attr], skip_rungs=skip_rungs) return rung_info def on_task_remove(self, task): task_id = task.task_id rung_sys, _, _ = self._get_rung_system(task_id) rung_sys.on_task_remove(task) del self._task_info[str(task_id)] def _sample_bracket(self): return _sample_bracket( num_brackets=self.num_brackets, rung_levels=self.rung_levels, random_state=self.random_state) def on_task_schedule(self): # Sample bracket for task to be scheduled bracket_id = self._sample_bracket() rung_sys, skip_rungs = self._get_rung_system_for_bracket_id(bracket_id) extra_kwargs = {'bracket': bracket_id} # Check whether config can be promoted ret_dict = rung_sys.on_task_schedule() config = ret_dict.get('config') if config is not None: extra_kwargs['milestone'] = ret_dict['next_milestone'] extra_kwargs['config_key'] = ret_dict['config_key'] extra_kwargs['resume_from'] = ret_dict['milestone'] else: # First milestone the new config will get to extra_kwargs['milestone'] = rung_sys.get_first_milestone( skip_rungs) return config, extra_kwargs def snapshot_rungs(self, bracket_id): rung_sys, skip_rungs = self._get_rung_system_for_bracket_id(bracket_id) return rung_sys.snapshot_rungs(skip_rungs) def __repr__(self): reprstr = self.__class__.__name__ + '(' + \ 'reward_attr: ' + self._reward_attr + \ ', time_attr: ' + self._time_attr + \ ', rung_levels: ' + str(self.rung_levels) + \ ', max_t: ' + str(self._max_t) + \ ', rung_systems: ' + str(self._rung_systems) + \ ')' return reprstr