.. _sec_textprediction_customization: Text Prediction - Customization and Hyperparameter Search ========================================================= This advanced tutorial teaches you how to control the hyperparameter tuning process in ``TextPredictor`` by specifying: - A custom search space of candidate hyperparameter values to consider. - Which hyperparameter optimization (HPO) method should be used to actually search through this space. .. code:: python import numpy as np import warnings import autogluon as ag warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') np.random.seed(123) Stanford Sentiment Treebank Data -------------------------------- For demonstration, we use the Stanford Sentiment Treebank (`SST `__) dataset. .. code:: python from autogluon.core.utils.loaders.load_pd import load subsample_size = 1000 # subsample for faster demo, you may try specifying larger value train_data = load('https://autogluon-text.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com/glue/sst/train.parquet') test_data = load('https://autogluon-text.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com/glue/sst/dev.parquet') train_data = train_data.sample(n=subsample_size, random_state=0) train_data.head(10) .. raw:: html
sentence label
43787 very pleasing at its best moments 1
16159 , american chai is enough to make you put away... 0
59015 too much like an infomercial for ram dass 's l... 0
5108 a stirring visual sequence 1
67052 cool visual backmasking 1
35938 hard ground 0
49879 the striking , quietly vulnerable personality ... 1
51591 pan nalin 's exposition is beautiful and myste... 1
56780 wonderfully loopy 1
28518 most beautiful , evocative 1
Configuring the TextPredictor ----------------------------- Pre-configured Hyperparameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We provided a series of pre-configured hyperparameters. You may list the keys from ``ag_text_presets`` via ``list_presets``. .. code:: python from autogluon.text import ag_text_presets, list_presets list_presets() .. parsed-literal:: :class: output {'simple_presets': ['default', 'lower_quality_fast_train', 'medium_quality_faster_train', 'best_quality'], 'advanced_presets': ['electra_small_fuse_late', 'electra_base_fuse_late', 'electra_large_fuse_late', 'roberta_base_fuse_late', 'multi_cased_bert_base_fuse_late', 'electra_base_fuse_early', 'electra_base_all_text']} There are two kinds of presets. The ``simple_presets`` are pre-defined configurations recommended for most users, which allow you specify whether you care more about predictive accuracy (``'best_quality'``) or more about training/inference speed (``'lower_quality_fast_train'``) The ``advanced_presets`` are pre-configured networks using different Transformer backbones such as ELECTRA, RoBERTa, or Multilingual BERT, and different feature fusion strategies. For example, ``electra_small_fuse_late`` means we use the ELECTRA-small model as the network backbone for text fields and use the late fusion strategy described in ":ref:`sec_textprediction_architecture`". The ``default`` preset is the same as ``electra_base_fuse_late``. Now let's train a model on our data with specified ``presets``. .. code:: python from autogluon.text import TextPredictor predictor = TextPredictor(path='ag_text_sst_electra_small', eval_metric='acc', label='label') predictor.set_verbosity(0) predictor.fit(train_data, presets='electra_small_fuse_late', time_limit=60, seed=123) .. parsed-literal:: :class: output All Logs will be saved to /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/workspace/autogluon-tutorial-text-v3/docs/_build/eval/tutorials/text_prediction/ag_text_sst_electra_small/task0/training.log .. parsed-literal:: :class: output Below we report both ``f1`` and ``acc`` metrics for our predictions. Note that if you really want to obtain the best F1 score, you should set ``eval_metric='f1'`` when constructing the TextPredictor. .. code:: python predictor.evaluate(test_data, metrics=['f1', 'acc']) .. parsed-literal:: :class: output {'f1': 0.7720504009163803, 'acc': 0.7717889908256881} To view the pre-registered hyperparameters, you can call ``ag_text_presets.create(presets_name)``, e.g., .. code:: python import pprint pprint.pprint(ag_text_presets.create('electra_small_fuse_late')) .. parsed-literal:: :class: output {'models': {'MultimodalTextModel': {'backend': 'gluonnlp_v0', 'search_space': {'model.backbone.name': 'google_electra_small', 'model.network.agg_net.agg_type': 'concat', 'model.network.aggregate_categorical': True, 'model.use_avg_nbest': True, 'optimization.batch_size': 128, 'optimization.layerwise_lr_decay': 0.8, 'optimization.lr': Categorical[0.0001], 'optimization.nbest': 3, 'optimization.num_train_epochs': 10, 'optimization.per_device_batch_size': 8, 'optimization.wd': 0.0001, 'preprocessing.categorical.convert_to_text': False, 'preprocessing.numerical.convert_to_text': False}}}, 'tune_kwargs': {'num_trials': 1, 'scheduler_options': None, 'search_options': None, 'search_strategy': 'local', 'searcher': 'random'}} Another way to specify a custom TextPredictor configuration is via the ``hyperparameters`` argument. .. code:: python predictor.fit(train_data, hyperparameters=ag_text_presets.create('electra_small_fuse_late'), time_limit=30, seed=123) .. parsed-literal:: :class: output All Logs will be saved to /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/workspace/autogluon-tutorial-text-v3/docs/_build/eval/tutorials/text_prediction/ag_text_sst_electra_small/task0/training.log .. parsed-literal:: :class: output Custom Hyperparameter Values ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The pre-registered configurations provide reasonable default hyperparameters. A common workflow is to first train a model with one of the presets and then tune some hyperparameters to see if the performance can be further improved. In the example below, we set the number of training epochs to 5 and the learning rate to be 5E-5. .. code:: python hyperparameters = ag_text_presets.create('electra_small_fuse_late') hyperparameters['models']['MultimodalTextModel']['search_space']['optimization.num_train_epochs'] = 5 hyperparameters['models']['MultimodalTextModel']['search_space']['optimization.lr'] = ag.core.space.Categorical(5E-5) predictor.fit(train_data, hyperparameters=hyperparameters, time_limit=30, seed=123) .. parsed-literal:: :class: output All Logs will be saved to /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/workspace/autogluon-tutorial-text-v3/docs/_build/eval/tutorials/text_prediction/ag_text_sst_electra_small/task0/training.log .. parsed-literal:: :class: output Register Your Own Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can also register your custom hyperparameter settings as new presets in ``ag_text_presets``. Below, the ``electra_small_fuse_late_train5`` preset uses ELECTRA-small as its backbone and trains for 5 epochs with a weight-decay of 1E-2. .. code:: python @ag_text_presets.register() def electra_small_fuse_late_train5(): hyperparameters = ag_text_presets.create('electra_small_fuse_late') hyperparameters['models']['MultimodalTextModel']['search_space']['optimization.num_train_epochs'] = 5 hyperparameters['models']['MultimodalTextModel']['search_space']['optimization.wd'] = 1E-2 return hyperparameters predictor.fit(train_data, presets='electra_small_fuse_late_train5', time_limit=60, seed=123) .. parsed-literal:: :class: output All Logs will be saved to /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/workspace/autogluon-tutorial-text-v3/docs/_build/eval/tutorials/text_prediction/ag_text_sst_electra_small/task0/training.log .. parsed-literal:: :class: output HPO over a Customized Search Space via Bayesian Optimization ------------------------------------------------------------ To control which hyperparameter values are considered during ``fit()``, we specify the ``hyperparameters`` argument. Rather than specifying a particular fixed value for a hyperparameter, we can specify a space of values to search over via ``ag.core.space``. We can also specify which HPO method to use for the search via ``search_strategy``. By default, we will use `Bayesian Optimization `__ as the searcher. In this example, we search for good values of the following hyperparameters: - warmup - number of hidden units in the final MLP layer that maps aggregated features to output prediction - learning rate - weight decay .. code:: python def electra_small_basic_demo_hpo(): hparams = ag_text_presets.create('electra_small_fuse_late') search_space = hparams['models']['MultimodalTextModel']['search_space'] search_space['optimization.per_device_batch_size'] = 8 search_space['model.network.agg_net.mid_units'] = ag.core.space.Int(32, 128) search_space['optimization.warmup_portion'] = ag.core.space.Categorical(0.1, 0.2) search_space['optimization.lr'] = ag.core.space.Real(1E-5, 2E-4) search_space['optimization.wd'] = ag.core.space.Categorical(1E-4, 1E-3, 1E-2) search_space['optimization.num_train_epochs'] = 5 return hparams We can now call ``fit()`` with hyperparameter-tuning over our custom search space. Below ``num_trials`` controls the maximal number of different hyperparameter configurations for which AutoGluon will train models (4 models are trained under different hyperparameter configurations in this case). To achieve good performance in your applications, you should use larger values of ``num_trials``, which may identify superior hyperparameter values but will require longer runtimes. .. code:: python predictor_sst_rs = TextPredictor(path='ag_text_sst_random_search', label='label', eval_metric='acc') predictor_sst_rs.set_verbosity(0) predictor_sst_rs.fit(train_data, hyperparameters=electra_small_basic_demo_hpo(), time_limit=60 * 2, num_trials=4, seed=123) .. parsed-literal:: :class: output 0%| | 0/4 [00:00 We can again evaluate our model's performance on separate test data. .. code:: python test_score = predictor_sst_rs.evaluate(test_data, metrics=['acc', 'f1']) print('Best Config = {}'.format(predictor_sst_rs.results['best_config'])) print('Total Time = {}s'.format(predictor_sst_rs.results['total_time'])) print('Accuracy = {:.2f}%'.format(test_score['acc'] * 100)) print('F1 = {:.2f}%'.format(test_score['f1'] * 100)) .. parsed-literal:: :class: output Best Config = {'search_space▁model.network.agg_net.mid_units': 64, 'search_space▁optimization.lr': 0.00019631030903737018, 'search_space▁optimization.warmup_portion▁choice': 1, 'search_space▁optimization.wd▁choice': 0} Total Time = 56.18795204162598s Accuracy = 81.31% F1 = 81.24% You can also try setting ``hyperparameters['tune_kwargs']['search_strategy']`` to be ``'random'``, ``'bayesopt'``, ``'bayesopt_hyperband'`` as alternative HPO methods although they are currently experimental.